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DVD-Films, StudiosValero, Windbay.ent, VD Studios

Helium Dreams

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Rated: 7.0    14+
Published 2018

About movie

Helium Dreams or Dreams of Helium is popular sci-fi movie made by Valery Dremov and written by Kirill Dremov. With multiple main actors Vladimir and Maria. There is something strange happening with world. All people except Valeriy can now access to their own made fantasy lands. But one day he gets in to his world and situation is more strange...


Vladimir Dremov, Irina Dremova, Maria Dremova, Aleksandre Sakoulin, Dina Sakoulina, Marina Babkina, Oleg Babkin, Kirill Dremov, Evagenia Dremova.


Valery Dremov


Kirill Dremov  Read full book here

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